This resource is designed to document my teaching and professional development from now on and throughout my career soon. The primary goal I would like to achieve in maintaining this portfolio is to generate continuous reflection on the evolution of my thoughts on teaching and learning. So, from now, I'll upload assignments,assessments and experience that i can share with all of you. Hopefully it will benefit all of us.

SO enjoy yourself...and you are WELCOME to leave any comments and opinions here.

Saturday 24 December 2011

ICT in Science! What will I learn in this subject? That was the first question that appeared in my mind.

At first, I thought that I need to carry and use laptop or using computer all the time but it is actually not. This subject actually aims to exposed student to variety of technology application that they can used during teaching and learning processes in school. According to my lecturer, Dr. Sophia, we will learnt a few ICT application that can be integrate in teaching and learning such as data logging, simulation, modeling and etc. In addition, this subject also aims to improve student’s communication skill and enhances student’s confident level as a preparation to face the real challenging world and various types of people later.

For me, it is difficult and maybe even impossible to imagine future learning environments that are not supported by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). When looking at the current widespread diffusion and use of ICT in modern societies, especially by the young then it should be clear that ICT will affect the complete learning process today and in the future. ICT in Science is a good student-centered approach because technology, computer and all other advanced technology are now having become part of our life. Therefore, in this information age, traditional educational environment do not seem to be suitable for preparing learners to be productive in the workplace of today’s society. However, in order to exploit the benefit offered by ICT, teacher themselves need to have a strong background in ICT.

As a person who has become a student in school, I believe that ICT can be one of the tools for enhancing teaching and learning in school and ICT can create a more interactive learning environment.

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