This resource is designed to document my teaching and professional development from now on and throughout my career soon. The primary goal I would like to achieve in maintaining this portfolio is to generate continuous reflection on the evolution of my thoughts on teaching and learning. So, from now, I'll upload assignments,assessments and experience that i can share with all of you. Hopefully it will benefit all of us.

SO enjoy yourself...and you are WELCOME to leave any comments and opinions here.

Saturday 24 December 2011

IWB? Internal Wireless Board, Interactive Wireless Board. These are some definition that I have given for the acronym when I heard it for the first time. But IWB actually stand for ‘Interactive White Board’. Interactive whiteboards are now used in many schools as replacements for traditional whiteboards or flipcharts. For me IWB is a great tool to be used in classroom. 

There are a few reasons why I think IWB is a good classroom tools. Firstly, it is interactive. Learning process is easier and enjoyable for students. We can find more resources related to the topic and present them in an effective way. The interactive whiteboard can also use multimedia links, animations or other types of medium from the computer to engage the children in the chosen subject. In that way, teacher can promote student motivation and engagement in class.

Secondly, is it is an effective way of presenting information to the whole class rather than a few pupils gathering around one computer screen. Information can be given to the children without them having to move and the teacher can explain ideas with the minimal amount of disturbance caused. In addition, it is more powerful because this tool allow students to work face to face on a shared, big screen (IWB) in which they can talk about their ideas and deliver the information clearly.

Overall, I believe that this simple tool can put fun into the learning experience and meets the needs of both teachers and students. I was really excited about it thinking that maybe I can get it one at my home. HAHA! It’s too much I think.

SMARTBOARD…how good the technology is, teacher still the most important person who need to extend the use of IWB in order to make learning even more interactive, engaging and productive. Therefore skills are important so that teachers and students can totally exploit the benefit of using this technology throughout the teaching and learning process.

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